Leave safety behind. Put your body on the line. Stand before the people you fear and speak your mind – even if your voice shakes. When you least expect it, someone may actually listen to what you have to say.
Maggie Kuhn, Activist.
Do you realise your truth is desperately needed? How speaking your truth is a precious gift? Yet, how often do you find yourself holding back? Doubting yourself? Worrying what people might think? I’m here to say, your truth is worthy of being heard.
I know it’s hard and scary. The inner conflict is real as you gather your courage to speak. In fact, I had such an experience today. I courageously told a friend something in our interaction that had bothered me for years. My voice shook as I wobbled my way through the conversation. Gratefully they patiently listened, and while their perspective was different, they appreciated my feedback.
What makes speaking your truth so valuable? We honour ourselves. We live in alignment with our values and respect our boundaries. We create deeper authentic relationships. We also give others permission to speak their own truth. We stand up for a life bigger than ourselves. All are acts of love.
After speaking with my friend, I felt relief and freedom. I no longer had to carry the confusion and irritation I had held onto all these years. Ironically, by keeping quiet (and safe), I created unnecessary extended pain. By speaking my truth, I set myself free.
What is it like to speak your own truth? What do you find most challenging? What might be holding you back from embracing this part of yourself?
While Maggie’s context was public activism, I believe her truth translates also to our personal lives.